Alternative methods of healthcare are being explored more than ever before as we enter into increasingly progressive realms of modern medicine. Beyond pain management, the use of acupuncture continues to grow in popularity. Acupuncture is being used as a fertility aid, providing relief during pregnancy and in inducing labor—not only safe, it is also beneficial to mom and baby. Acupuncture stimulates specific points in the body by inserting thin needles through the skin. Practitioners implement acupuncture in a number of different ways. I practice a combination of traditional points, which can be traced back thousands of years in Chinese medicine, coupled with understanding the physiological functions and anatomical structure being treated. In no way is acupuncture a substitute for Western prenatal medical care, yet, it is very safe and offers complementary care with many benefits. Acupuncture can be extremely effective at relieving stress, morning sickness, hip and lower back pa...
An integrated chiropractic, nutrition, wellness, and supplement provider AlignLife is committed to drug-free overall health!